Mittwoch, 12. September 2018

DNS für Jan Frodeno, Dominator der Saison 2018 muss auf den Start beim Ironman Hawaii 2018 wegen Stressfraktur verzichten.

Der 37-Jährige Jan Frodeno leidet an einer Stressfraktur in der Hüfte und muss als der Top-Favorit für den Ironman Hawaii die Chance auf seinen dritten Titel bei der WM in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii auf das kommende Jahr verschieben. Die Verletzung tritt genauer am Iliosakralgelenk (ISG) oder SI-Gelenk (Englisch: SIJ) auf. Das ISG ist die Verbindung zwischen dem Kreuzbein und den Hüftknochen des Beckens, die durch starke Bänder verbunden sind. Beim Menschen unterstützt das Kreuzbein die Wirbelsäule und wird wiederum von einem Ilium auf jeder Seite getragen.
DNS für Jan Frodeno, den Dominator der Saison 2018. Den Ironman Hawaii 2018 muss Jan Frodeno sehr wahrscheinlich auf Krücken von der Couch aus ansehen, während sich das Training im Fitnessstudio, mittels Aquajogging im Wasser und auf dem Rad gestalten dürfte. Photo: Jan Frodeno/Instagram

Für "Frodo" ist die Absage des Traditionsrennens ein schwerer Schlag. Ein herber Schlag ist das DNS auch für die Spannung im Vorfeld des Rennens und vielleicht auch den Rennverlauf. Athleten, wie die weiteren Top-Favoriten Lionel Sanders oder Sebastian Kienle und Titelverteidiger Patrick Lange werden das Fehlen vom besten Triathleten der Saison 2018 sicherlich vermissen, weil bei dem Trio der direkte sportliche Auseinandersetzung mit den besten Konkurrenten immer im Vordergrund steht.

2017 hatte Frodeno beim Versuch, den WM-Goldmedaille Nummer 3 auf Hawaii in Serie zu holen, wegen schwerer Rückenprobleme im Rennen letztlich keine Chance gehabt und war zu einem langen Marsch und Finish in den Top 80 gewzungen. Eine Geste, die ihm die Szene hoch anrechnete, obwohl er mit einem DNF hätte aussteigen können, um sich zu schonen. In der Saison 2018 dominierte Frodeno bisher die Szene, vor anderthalb Wochen hatte er noch die WM über die halbe Ironman-Distanz in dem Land seiner Schulzeit, Südafrika gewonnen.
Eine Stressfraktur in der linken Hüfte verschiebt den Traum vom dritten Weltmeistertitel für Jan Frodeno mindestens auf das kommende Jahr. Ein Rückschlag für "Frodo" und natürlich auch die Spannung in der Entscheidung der Männer beim 40-jährigem Geburtstag des Ironman Hawaii. Photo. Jan Frodeno/Instagram

Auf Instagram schrieb er auf Englisch am frühen Morgen des 12. September 2018: 

"Sicherlich nicht so, wie ich mir das Ende dieser Saison erhofft hatte. Eine Stressfraktur in meiner Hüfte (SI-Gelenk) - siehe Bild 2 für Interessierte. Die Höhen und Tiefen des Sports waren für mich noch nie so nah - letzte Woche einen Weltmeistertitel zu gewinnen und für die nächste Saison ins Abseits zu geraten. Zumindest das @_promovement Team hielt die Stimmung am Laufen;) (letztes Bild). Nur eine Erinnerung an uns alle, dass der Erfolg nie in einer geraden Linie kommt.... derzeit hören wir Daft Punk- Noch einmal, also bis zum nächsten Jahr ??"
Links der Artikel rund um den IRONMAN Hawaii 2018:

Dienstag, 11. September 2018

Amazon to be the official 2018 title sponsor and sports nutrition ecommerce platform for Ironman Hawaii Triathlon

Amazon, the 2nd company in the World with a USD trillion market cap will be the official 2018 title sponsor and sports nutrition ecommerce and retail platform for 40th Ironman Hawaii Triathlon in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii.

"Official Sports Nutrition Retailer" for the "Ironman World Championship brought to you by Amazon" is the actual wording listed on WTC's (World Triathlon Corporation) website. The first 53" video commercial with lead announcer Mike "The Voice of Ironman" Reilly is published on Twitter recently.

The commercial could serve as a stylish weak-up call for some sports nutrition, sports retail companies and an additional proof of Amazon's willingness to develop the sports category on their platform not only with products of the Amazon Basics portfolio in the sports clothing sub-category.

Presse release World Triathlon Corporation (WTC):

IRONMAN selects Amazon as the Official Sports Nutrition Retailer of the 2018 IRONMAN World Championship taking place on Saturday, Oct. 13

TAMPA, Fla. (Sept. 10, 2018) – IRONMAN, a Wanda Sports Holdings company, is excited to team up with Amazon as the title sponsor of the 2018 IRONMAN® World Championship and Official Sports Nutrition Retailer of the iconic triathlon event that will take place on Saturday, October 13 in Kailua-Kona, Hawai`i. The collaboration will provide participants access to a vast selection of nutrition products, including items from IRONMAN official nutrition partners CLIF Bar and Gatorade, available to athletes looking to prove ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE® on the sports largest stage.

“We are thrilled to announce we’ve teamed up with Amazon,” said Matthieu Van Veen, Chief Revenue Officer for IRONMAN. “The IRONMAN World Championship is the most iconic endurance event in the world and this collaboration with Amazon as we celebrate our 40th anniversary will provide athletes globally with direct access to sports nutrition products that help them reach the pinnacle of the sport.”

The demand for sports performance and wellness products are at an all-time high. The world’s best athletes will have access to a wide range of optimal products located conveniently all in one place at, helping them reach their peak performance goals.

The vast array of products available in the IRONMAN World Championship store within the Amazon Sports Nutrition shopping experience will include third party certified supplement products, which will help athletes reduce the risks that are often associated with supplement use. IRONMAN encourages all athletes to know and understand their rights and responsibilities with regard to anti-doping policy and procedure and to be aware of what they are putting in their body.

Live race coverage of the 2018 IRONMAN World Championship brought to you by Amazon will be available on Oct. 13, 2018 in the United States on NBC Sports platforms and on and globally via IRONMAN NOW on Facebook Watch –

IRONMAN World Championship

Since its inception in 1978 on the island of Oahu, the IRONMAN World Championship has etched its name in history through stellar performances, inspirational participants and emotional memories. In 1981, the race moved from the tranquil shores of Waikiki to the barren lava fields of Kona on the Island of Hawai`i where it continues to take place to this day. The race now sees over 2,400 athletes embark on a 140.6-mile journey that presents the ultimate test of body, mind and spirit to earn the title of IRONMAN World Champion. The most iconic one-day sporting event in the world is the culmination of 40 global IRONMAN events with athletes around the world striving for one of the coveted qualifying slots.


As part of Wanda Sports Holdings, the IRONMAN Group operates a global portfolio of events that includes the IRONMAN® Triathlon Series, the IRONMAN® 70.3® Triathlon Series, 5150™ Triathlon Series, the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series®, Iron Girl®, IRONKIDS®, International Triathlon Union World Triathlon Series races, road cycling events including the UCI Velothon® Series, mountain bike races including the Absa Cape Epic®, premier marathons including the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon, trail running like Ultra-Trail Australia™, and other multisport races. IRONMAN’s events, together with all other Wanda Sports Holdings events, provide more than a million participants annually the benefits of endurance sports through the company’s vast offerings. The iconic IRONMAN® Series of events is the largest participation sports platform in the world. Since the inception of the IRONMAN® brand in 1978, athletes have proven that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE® by crossing finish lines at the world’s most challenging endurance races. Beginning as a single race, IRONMAN has grown to become a global sensation with more than 230 events across 53 countries. For more information, visit

About Wanda Sports Holdings

Wanda Sports Holdings is the world’s leading sports business entity, founded to capture the opportunities in the global sports industry and to contribute to the prosperous international sports landscape – in three key areas: 1) Spectator Sports (media & marketing business), 2) Participation Sports (active lifestyle business), 3) Services (digital, production and service business). Wanda Sports Holding incorporates the international sports marketing company Infront Sports & Media, the iconic endurance brand IRONMAN, and Wanda Sports China. The headquarters are in Guangzhou, China.

Sonntag, 2. September 2018

Frodissimo! Jan Frodeno, like a phoenix from the ashes at the IRONMAN 70.3 Triathlon World Championship

Jan Frodeno, like Daniela Ryf the day before, has positioned himself as the absolute top favourite for the Ironman Hawaii in 6 weeks with his second title at the Ironman 70.3 World Championship in South Africa.

After the hard defeat at the Ironman Hawaii 2017 Frodeno lied to all critics after his success at the Ironman in Frankfurt and South Africa, who have already seen him above the zenith of his performance and have made competitors such as Lionel Sanders, Javier Gomez Noya or Patrick Lange the “new” favorites. This view must be corrected.

Regardless of weather conditions, Frodeno, who beat with Alistair Brownlee and Gomez a complete collection of Olympic medals and countless world championship titles due to his elegant physique, mental strength and incredibly precise tactical intuition, is the man to beat in October 2018.

Silver medal winner Brownlee had an energetic hanger due to his brisk cycling style and an early attack in the uphill sections of the half-marathon too early, while Gomez had to fight with side stitches from kilometre 14 on, in a phase of the race as Frodeno from the front constantly increased the pressure. Gomez finally had to let go of the actually beaten Brownlee.

Sanders can only dream of particularly tough conditions on the bike to keep his chance, while Lange, hoping for little wind, must continue to work on his weak discipline on the bike without compromising his killer run. A tightrope walk that could quickly knock him out of the top three.

Kona 2018 promises to be epic, until then the competition should watch the archived broadcast weekly during training...